Vor etwas über einem Monat ging es zurück nach Deutschland. Und obwohl es natürlich schön war, seine Familie und Freunde wieder zu sehen, hat mich der Kulturschock doch sehr hart getroffen. Es ist einfach eine enorme Umstellung wieder in Deutschland zu sein. Ich vermisse sehr viele Dinge, wie bestimmte Lebensmittel/Süßigkeiten, mein Auto, die Freundlichkeit der Menschen, meine Freunde und Familie in Michigan und vieles mehr. Hätte am Anfang echt immer heulen können, sobald mich jemand gefragt hat, ob ich froh sei wieder "zu Hause" zu sein. Und ich habe auch viel geweint, weil ich Deutschland für mich nicht so recht akzeptieren konnte. So langsam hab ich mich jetzt wieder an Deutschland gewöhnt, was allerdings nicht bedeutet, dass ich Amerika und Michigan nicht mehr vermisse. Es wird immer einen Platz in meinem Herzen geben, der für USA/Michigan schlägt. Ich bin froh, dass ich diese Auslandserfahrung machen durfte und ich bin stolz darauf, sagen zu können: it was the time of my life!
Ich kann jedem nur empfehlen, dieses wunderbare Land zu bereisen, kennen zulernen und sich auf es einzulassen. Viele Menschen begegnen diesem Land mit großen Vorurteilen und ich kann nur sagen, ich habe die USA kennen und lieben gelernt und ich möchte die Zeit um keinen Preis missen.
Seit einer Woche bin ich nun auch in Bocholt, wo ich mein Referendariat an einer Grundschule angefangen habe. dort wurde ich herzlich aufgenommen und auch in den dazugehörigen Seminaren habe ich schon sehr liebe und nette Menschen kennengelernt. Hoffentlich entstehen daraus auch Freundschaften, da ich mich doch noch ein wenig verloren in der neuen Stadt fühle. Hab allerdings auch eine echt nette WG gefunden, sodass ich nicht ganz so allein in Bocholt bin ;)
Sind alle sehr hifreich und kommunikativ :)
Ab Montag gibts dann nen geregelten Stundenplan und ich werde so langsam an meine Lehrerrolle herangeführt, denn es steht schon bald der erste Unterrichtsbesuch an :/
Soweit das Update und vermutlich war dies auch der mein letzter Beitrag dieses Blogs, da mein Jahr ja nun vorbei war.
Vielen Dank fürs Lesen und liebe Grüße aus Bocholt, Jessie
Mein Aupair Jahr in den USA
Sonntag, 13. November 2011
Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2011
My last day in the states...
Today is my last day in the US. I can't believe how fast this year passed by. I loved it and I love America. Gonna miss so many things and my friends and American family. They really r like a family for me and I don't wanna leave them. Feel so weird to see "my" girls with another nanny :(
I had a wonderful time and I never reget my decision to do that au pair year. Was the best decision I could make.
So now everything is kinda packed, my room is a mess and so is my heart.
I can't put in words what I feel, but it's kinda like a break up and a totally new beginning. U r between sad and happy, crying and laughing. So I enjoy the rest of my time here and spend it with my friends and family. Had a lil good-bye gettogether with my friends on friday with sushi, drinks and party, went to a haunted house on saturday with my girlfriends, sunday was kinda family day and I said good-bye to Sedo, Teta, Nihdal, Fadi, Teta Vicki and other relatives. Was really sad :(
Had a nice family dinner yesterday with Gidu, grandma, my family and Becca. We ate arabic food and the hummus that I made :) Was great. Gonna miss them all!! Today I had lunch with Becca, Jeff and Rob and we enjoyed the nice weather and played some basketball outside. Was a good time :)
So good-bye America, I see u soon!
I had a wonderful time and I never reget my decision to do that au pair year. Was the best decision I could make.
So now everything is kinda packed, my room is a mess and so is my heart.
I can't put in words what I feel, but it's kinda like a break up and a totally new beginning. U r between sad and happy, crying and laughing. So I enjoy the rest of my time here and spend it with my friends and family. Had a lil good-bye gettogether with my friends on friday with sushi, drinks and party, went to a haunted house on saturday with my girlfriends, sunday was kinda family day and I said good-bye to Sedo, Teta, Nihdal, Fadi, Teta Vicki and other relatives. Was really sad :(
Had a nice family dinner yesterday with Gidu, grandma, my family and Becca. We ate arabic food and the hummus that I made :) Was great. Gonna miss them all!! Today I had lunch with Becca, Jeff and Rob and we enjoyed the nice weather and played some basketball outside. Was a good time :)
So good-bye America, I see u soon!
Donnerstag, 8. September 2011
Your flight has been booked
Since I sent my flight request form, I was checking my emails every day to see if there are any news about my flight back home to germany. Today, after a littl nap ( ;) ) I checked my mails again and there it was. An email with the title "your flight has been booked" got butterflies in my stomach when I opened it and now I know that I will be at Dusseldorf airport october 6th at 7:25am. I was actually feeling sick when I read that cause like I posted before, I don't feel like goin back to germany. Feels so weird and I was crying a lil bit when I read this mail.
I didn't have a cultural shock when I came to the states, but I am pretty sure that I will have one in germany again.
Gonna enjoy my last weeks here in America and I hope that I can come back soon.
I didn't have a cultural shock when I came to the states, but I am pretty sure that I will have one in germany again.
Gonna enjoy my last weeks here in America and I hope that I can come back soon.
Dienstag, 30. August 2011
Where did the time go??
Right now I feel reeeeealy torn! On one hand I can't wait to see my family and friends in Germany again and on the other hand I don't wanna leave Grosse Pointe. It's so beautiful here and everytime I am driving along lake Saint Claire I am amzed of the beauty...
I met so many great people lately and I just came home from having coffee with my new awesome german girlfriend Rebecca. We just met on sunday cause she just arrived on thursday, but we connected right away :)
And of course my Brazilian girls Ana and Allie. We spend so much time together and I love them a lot though we just know each other for a short time. Sometime you like persons right away or you just don't....There are also more nice people that I will miss, but those girls are the ones that I spend most of my time with when I am not with my hostfamily. I will miss them too of course, especially my two little girls. In only 34 days I will leave Michigan. Can't believe it...I really have to save money in Germany to come back to America and visit my friends and see more of that country!
I met so many great people lately and I just came home from having coffee with my new awesome german girlfriend Rebecca. We just met on sunday cause she just arrived on thursday, but we connected right away :)
And of course my Brazilian girls Ana and Allie. We spend so much time together and I love them a lot though we just know each other for a short time. Sometime you like persons right away or you just don't....There are also more nice people that I will miss, but those girls are the ones that I spend most of my time with when I am not with my hostfamily. I will miss them too of course, especially my two little girls. In only 34 days I will leave Michigan. Can't believe it...I really have to save money in Germany to come back to America and visit my friends and see more of that country!
Mittwoch, 17. August 2011
Up North with my hostfamily
Friday 9am, we -my hostmum and the kids- are leaving Grosse Pointe and are heading up north for the weekend (til monday). First we went to Treverse City which is like 4 hour drive and where my hostdad had a judges-conference and where we picked him up. A really nice little city. After we spent a lil while in that city we drove a little bit further to Harbor Bay. A friend of my hostdad has a condo there and were able to spend the weekend there. Sweeeeeeet. Only bad thing was that there was only one bedroom (for the parents) and the kids and me shared the living room. Well there were two big beds (bed in the closet and pull out couch), so there was enough room. Shared a bed with my lil one, she is so cute when she is sleeping, but she kept kicking me while sleeping and was up at 7am...Can't remember the last time when I got up at 7am on a saturday morning ;)
There was pretty bad weather on saturday, so we went to Petoskey for some shopping. I ended up buying a jeans cause I was freaking freezing in my shorts. Wasn't prepared for bad weather :(
The weather on sunday was sunny and warm again and we made a lil bike-tour and I spent some time at the pool in the sun :) I just love summer and the sun :)
Was not a real exciting vacation, but it was realy pretty there and I am glad that my hosts took me with them. We saw a pretty nice sunset sunday night, what was my highlight of the trip.
Headed back home on monday and I met up with my girlfriends. Missed them a lot, though I was only gone for a few days. Gonna miss them a lot when I am back in germany....only 49 days left
There was pretty bad weather on saturday, so we went to Petoskey for some shopping. I ended up buying a jeans cause I was freaking freezing in my shorts. Wasn't prepared for bad weather :(
The weather on sunday was sunny and warm again and we made a lil bike-tour and I spent some time at the pool in the sun :) I just love summer and the sun :)
Was not a real exciting vacation, but it was realy pretty there and I am glad that my hosts took me with them. We saw a pretty nice sunset sunday night, what was my highlight of the trip.
Headed back home on monday and I met up with my girlfriends. Missed them a lot, though I was only gone for a few days. Gonna miss them a lot when I am back in germany....only 49 days left
Sonntag, 7. August 2011
Amazing weekend with the girls

We were pretty drunk and had a lot of fun. I was so glad I wasn't driving this time :D Well I paid the bill the next day. Was so hungover, but it was worth it ;)
The saturday afternoon did I spend with Ana in the mall, fun!! Took some pictures together. Later we watched a movie at her place and went out for Brownie's on the lake with Juliana and Macca. I was impressed with all the boats etc. cause it was right at the Marina. A lot of rich people and all kind of people, old, young, handsome, ugly....We were dancing outside, but it was still really hot outside and so humid!! So we didn't dance that much, but it was still fun. Of course there were some jerks hitting on me and the girls, but they r everywhere....
The sunday I spent at the pool reading and listening to my Ipod :)
The more fun I have here the more I recognize how hard it will be to leave all this behind me and start a new life again :(
Donnerstag, 4. August 2011
2 month left
Tomorrow it will be only 2 month left until I go back to Germany. Well if I get my flight confirmed, lol. Still waiting for it, but I probably sent it back a little too late...mhh hope they don't charge my for that!
Well, whatever... I am really getting exited now! Skyped with my parents who told me that I have a teacher job and I have to be there at October 21st to swear the oath. I also had to pick 2 cities that I would prefer to work at, so lets see where I will end up living for the next 18 month. But one thing is save, I will be back in my beloved Münsterland :)
Bad thing about leaving so soon is that I am having a really good time right now. I met some very nice new friends and we r hanging out a lot. Feels like I know them longer and not only for such a short time. They r new Au Pairs here so I showed them a couple things and we still have lot of things to do. I am also hanging out with some old friends that I haven't heard of for a while...
So I am just enjoying the rest of my american life and have some fun :D
I love my kids here so much, I will miss them like crazy. Best time of the day is when we r in the car, I turn on my ipod and we sing some songs together. Favorites right now: Taylor Swift- U belong with me; Adele- Rollong in the deep and Sean Kingston- Letting go.
Lol. They r great! So funny when they say:"Hey Jess, can u turn on that song, u know that "dub di dub di dub di dum dum....letting go" ♥
Well, whatever... I am really getting exited now! Skyped with my parents who told me that I have a teacher job and I have to be there at October 21st to swear the oath. I also had to pick 2 cities that I would prefer to work at, so lets see where I will end up living for the next 18 month. But one thing is save, I will be back in my beloved Münsterland :)
Bad thing about leaving so soon is that I am having a really good time right now. I met some very nice new friends and we r hanging out a lot. Feels like I know them longer and not only for such a short time. They r new Au Pairs here so I showed them a couple things and we still have lot of things to do. I am also hanging out with some old friends that I haven't heard of for a while...
So I am just enjoying the rest of my american life and have some fun :D
I love my kids here so much, I will miss them like crazy. Best time of the day is when we r in the car, I turn on my ipod and we sing some songs together. Favorites right now: Taylor Swift- U belong with me; Adele- Rollong in the deep and Sean Kingston- Letting go.
Lol. They r great! So funny when they say:"Hey Jess, can u turn on that song, u know that "dub di dub di dub di dum dum....letting go" ♥
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