Friday May 20th, my bags are packed and I am ready to leave for my firs american roadtrip with my amazing friends Ket and Kimi. Our destination: Washington D.C. the Capitol of the United States of America. We left in the evening after work and most of the time Kimi or Ketrin were driving.They wanted me to have a relaxed first roadtrip, so I tried to sleep a little bit in the car, but I just can't sleep in cars...It was really nice though, we had wonderful warm weather and the traffic was not a problem at all. We drove through Ohio (what we Michigan people don't like that much. It's like Cologne and Düsseldorf ;) ), Pennsylvania and Maryland and I have to say the Detroit area is really not pretty. I almost felt like in Germany because of all the beautiful countryside and the trees etc. Didn't see it that much on our way to D.C. cause it went dark outside soon. But I have seen an amazing big moon while we were driving, couldn't take a good picture with my camera though and our professional photographer was driving...
After 9 hours of driving we arrived in D.C. and it was love at the first sight. It is just such a beautiful city and I would love to live there someday in the future...Our hotel was still closed at 5:30am and everything else as well so we decided to explore the city a bit and so we saw the white house and several other monuments or memorials. It was my favorite part of the trip cause it was still cool outside, we watched the sun rising over the city and there were just a few people already out there. We had so much fun, I am glad that we made that trip and that Kimi planned that trip so good for us. Thank u again!!
At like 8am we went back to our hotel and checked in. After a short nap we went to the pool and hot tub. Gosh that felt really good. We all fell asleep in the pool area, we were just so exhausted. So we went back upstairs had a nap, shower and went off to our tour through the city. We made a hop on/hop off doubledecker tour which was really nice thoug it was extremly hot. I sometimes thought I was burning, but me the white girl didn't get a sunburn *yeah*!
We've seen almost everything during that tour and I fell more and more in love with that city!
So we've been really tired when we arrived at the hotel later. I think we fell asleep at 9pm, can't remember the last time I was asleep that early ;)
So we were heading home sunday at noon and arrived in Detroit at 11:30pm again. Took a little longer cause we stopped for something to eat what was a great mistake cause the food was awful and poor Kimi got sick :( Well I was just glad to be home after a long drive!
So I guess this was my weekend! I had an amazing time with my girls! Thank u so much! Can't wait for our next trip!!
The White House |
The US Capitol |
Washington Monument |
Lincoln Memorial |
When people ask me "So what's new?" I have to confess that there is nothing special going on right now. My life is stuck in a routine, but this is ok. Work all week, seeing some friends after work, going out on the weekend. Being hit on from a lot of guys in the clubs or bars we r going too, but there was no interesting guys at all....well at least it means free drinks ;) LOL. Am I arrogant when I know that I am pretty and I am taking advantage of it?? I don't think so. And as I told some of my friends before "I am how I am and I am happy like this ;)"
So Ket, Kimmi and me are going to D.C. this weekend. Gonna be a nice roadtrip hopefully. Can't wait, had such a good weekend with my two girls :) And it's gonna be a test for our trip to Minnesota in fingers crossed that we'll get along good
Oh and I am finally Goldylocks again. My hair started to get darker again cause my highlight were growing out, but I went to the hairdresser on saturday and am really blond again, I love it!!
Saturday was just really great weather. Finally. Sunshine, blue sky and the temperature was springlike too. So my friend Kimmi had the wonderful idea to spend the day at the zoo. So I picked up Ket and Kimi and off we went :)
I love zoos and the Detroit zoo didn't disappointed me though I didn't see any elephants...
It was so nice there. Walking in the sun, watching all those great animals and having fun with friends :)
We stayed until the zoo closed and went for sushi afterwards. Mmmmmmhhhhhh sushi. We were all starving and soooo exhausted. When I came home I only made a cake for my hostmum for mother's day on sunday and fell into my bed. Wanted to go out, but I was just too exhausted...
My hostmum liked the cake and it was kind of a saver cause she made a cake for a family party, but the cake came out of the the oven in several she took the cake I made for her. Bad thing is that she couldn't even try a piece cause it was gone in an blink of an eye...guess it tasted good ;) got already several orders from my friends :D
I had a really weird dream lst night. I can't remember everything, but I know that I was kind of confused when I woke up.
I remember, that I was in Germany for a visit and that I was living in California. So I had my ticket for California in my hand and realized that I missed my flight cause I messed up with the dates. So I had to book a new flight and the way to the airport was really crazy and hard to find....
So what does it mean??
Do I wanna stay in the US, but not in Michigan?
Do I just want nice summer weather?
Am I confused about what I want??
I have no idea! Dreams.....
OMG (oh my gosh ;) ) I just got an email from my au pair company that reminds me that my 7th month just started and that I soon have to think about the date for my flight back to Germany. That really made me sooo sad. I know I always said that I miss my friends and family in Germany, but I found some new and great friends and family here too. I wish there would be no need to go back, but I have to get started with my job as a teacher and I don't want to be an au pair any longer than needed ;)
I don't regret the decision to come here and I know that I will come back when I saved some money and am settled in Germany again. Who knows, maybe I will be teaching in America in a few years...
This time I know for sure that this good bye will be really hard and that emotional Jessi will cry a lot....But hey, still 5 month to go and I will enjoy those month as much as possible!!
Love and miss u guys :)