Vor etwas über einem Monat ging es zurück nach Deutschland. Und obwohl es natürlich schön war, seine Familie und Freunde wieder zu sehen, hat mich der Kulturschock doch sehr hart getroffen. Es ist einfach eine enorme Umstellung wieder in Deutschland zu sein. Ich vermisse sehr viele Dinge, wie bestimmte Lebensmittel/Süßigkeiten, mein Auto, die Freundlichkeit der Menschen, meine Freunde und Familie in Michigan und vieles mehr. Hätte am Anfang echt immer heulen können, sobald mich jemand gefragt hat, ob ich froh sei wieder "zu Hause" zu sein. Und ich habe auch viel geweint, weil ich Deutschland für mich nicht so recht akzeptieren konnte. So langsam hab ich mich jetzt wieder an Deutschland gewöhnt, was allerdings nicht bedeutet, dass ich Amerika und Michigan nicht mehr vermisse. Es wird immer einen Platz in meinem Herzen geben, der für USA/Michigan schlägt. Ich bin froh, dass ich diese Auslandserfahrung machen durfte und ich bin stolz darauf, sagen zu können: it was the time of my life!
Ich kann jedem nur empfehlen, dieses wunderbare Land zu bereisen, kennen zulernen und sich auf es einzulassen. Viele Menschen begegnen diesem Land mit großen Vorurteilen und ich kann nur sagen, ich habe die USA kennen und lieben gelernt und ich möchte die Zeit um keinen Preis missen.
Seit einer Woche bin ich nun auch in Bocholt, wo ich mein Referendariat an einer Grundschule angefangen habe. dort wurde ich herzlich aufgenommen und auch in den dazugehörigen Seminaren habe ich schon sehr liebe und nette Menschen kennengelernt. Hoffentlich entstehen daraus auch Freundschaften, da ich mich doch noch ein wenig verloren in der neuen Stadt fühle. Hab allerdings auch eine echt nette WG gefunden, sodass ich nicht ganz so allein in Bocholt bin ;)
Sind alle sehr hifreich und kommunikativ :)
Ab Montag gibts dann nen geregelten Stundenplan und ich werde so langsam an meine Lehrerrolle herangeführt, denn es steht schon bald der erste Unterrichtsbesuch an :/
Soweit das Update und vermutlich war dies auch der mein letzter Beitrag dieses Blogs, da mein Jahr ja nun vorbei war.
Vielen Dank fürs Lesen und liebe Grüße aus Bocholt, Jessie
Sonntag, 13. November 2011
Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2011
My last day in the states...
Today is my last day in the US. I can't believe how fast this year passed by. I loved it and I love America. Gonna miss so many things and my friends and American family. They really r like a family for me and I don't wanna leave them. Feel so weird to see "my" girls with another nanny :(
I had a wonderful time and I never reget my decision to do that au pair year. Was the best decision I could make.
So now everything is kinda packed, my room is a mess and so is my heart.
I can't put in words what I feel, but it's kinda like a break up and a totally new beginning. U r between sad and happy, crying and laughing. So I enjoy the rest of my time here and spend it with my friends and family. Had a lil good-bye gettogether with my friends on friday with sushi, drinks and party, went to a haunted house on saturday with my girlfriends, sunday was kinda family day and I said good-bye to Sedo, Teta, Nihdal, Fadi, Teta Vicki and other relatives. Was really sad :(
Had a nice family dinner yesterday with Gidu, grandma, my family and Becca. We ate arabic food and the hummus that I made :) Was great. Gonna miss them all!! Today I had lunch with Becca, Jeff and Rob and we enjoyed the nice weather and played some basketball outside. Was a good time :)
So good-bye America, I see u soon!
I had a wonderful time and I never reget my decision to do that au pair year. Was the best decision I could make.
So now everything is kinda packed, my room is a mess and so is my heart.
I can't put in words what I feel, but it's kinda like a break up and a totally new beginning. U r between sad and happy, crying and laughing. So I enjoy the rest of my time here and spend it with my friends and family. Had a lil good-bye gettogether with my friends on friday with sushi, drinks and party, went to a haunted house on saturday with my girlfriends, sunday was kinda family day and I said good-bye to Sedo, Teta, Nihdal, Fadi, Teta Vicki and other relatives. Was really sad :(
Had a nice family dinner yesterday with Gidu, grandma, my family and Becca. We ate arabic food and the hummus that I made :) Was great. Gonna miss them all!! Today I had lunch with Becca, Jeff and Rob and we enjoyed the nice weather and played some basketball outside. Was a good time :)
So good-bye America, I see u soon!
Donnerstag, 8. September 2011
Your flight has been booked
Since I sent my flight request form, I was checking my emails every day to see if there are any news about my flight back home to germany. Today, after a littl nap ( ;) ) I checked my mails again and there it was. An email with the title "your flight has been booked" got butterflies in my stomach when I opened it and now I know that I will be at Dusseldorf airport october 6th at 7:25am. I was actually feeling sick when I read that cause like I posted before, I don't feel like goin back to germany. Feels so weird and I was crying a lil bit when I read this mail.
I didn't have a cultural shock when I came to the states, but I am pretty sure that I will have one in germany again.
Gonna enjoy my last weeks here in America and I hope that I can come back soon.
I didn't have a cultural shock when I came to the states, but I am pretty sure that I will have one in germany again.
Gonna enjoy my last weeks here in America and I hope that I can come back soon.
Dienstag, 30. August 2011
Where did the time go??
Right now I feel reeeeealy torn! On one hand I can't wait to see my family and friends in Germany again and on the other hand I don't wanna leave Grosse Pointe. It's so beautiful here and everytime I am driving along lake Saint Claire I am amzed of the beauty...
I met so many great people lately and I just came home from having coffee with my new awesome german girlfriend Rebecca. We just met on sunday cause she just arrived on thursday, but we connected right away :)
And of course my Brazilian girls Ana and Allie. We spend so much time together and I love them a lot though we just know each other for a short time. Sometime you like persons right away or you just don't....There are also more nice people that I will miss, but those girls are the ones that I spend most of my time with when I am not with my hostfamily. I will miss them too of course, especially my two little girls. In only 34 days I will leave Michigan. Can't believe it...I really have to save money in Germany to come back to America and visit my friends and see more of that country!
I met so many great people lately and I just came home from having coffee with my new awesome german girlfriend Rebecca. We just met on sunday cause she just arrived on thursday, but we connected right away :)
And of course my Brazilian girls Ana and Allie. We spend so much time together and I love them a lot though we just know each other for a short time. Sometime you like persons right away or you just don't....There are also more nice people that I will miss, but those girls are the ones that I spend most of my time with when I am not with my hostfamily. I will miss them too of course, especially my two little girls. In only 34 days I will leave Michigan. Can't believe it...I really have to save money in Germany to come back to America and visit my friends and see more of that country!
Mittwoch, 17. August 2011
Up North with my hostfamily
Friday 9am, we -my hostmum and the kids- are leaving Grosse Pointe and are heading up north for the weekend (til monday). First we went to Treverse City which is like 4 hour drive and where my hostdad had a judges-conference and where we picked him up. A really nice little city. After we spent a lil while in that city we drove a little bit further to Harbor Bay. A friend of my hostdad has a condo there and were able to spend the weekend there. Sweeeeeeet. Only bad thing was that there was only one bedroom (for the parents) and the kids and me shared the living room. Well there were two big beds (bed in the closet and pull out couch), so there was enough room. Shared a bed with my lil one, she is so cute when she is sleeping, but she kept kicking me while sleeping and was up at 7am...Can't remember the last time when I got up at 7am on a saturday morning ;)
There was pretty bad weather on saturday, so we went to Petoskey for some shopping. I ended up buying a jeans cause I was freaking freezing in my shorts. Wasn't prepared for bad weather :(
The weather on sunday was sunny and warm again and we made a lil bike-tour and I spent some time at the pool in the sun :) I just love summer and the sun :)
Was not a real exciting vacation, but it was realy pretty there and I am glad that my hosts took me with them. We saw a pretty nice sunset sunday night, what was my highlight of the trip.
Headed back home on monday and I met up with my girlfriends. Missed them a lot, though I was only gone for a few days. Gonna miss them a lot when I am back in germany....only 49 days left
There was pretty bad weather on saturday, so we went to Petoskey for some shopping. I ended up buying a jeans cause I was freaking freezing in my shorts. Wasn't prepared for bad weather :(
The weather on sunday was sunny and warm again and we made a lil bike-tour and I spent some time at the pool in the sun :) I just love summer and the sun :)
Was not a real exciting vacation, but it was realy pretty there and I am glad that my hosts took me with them. We saw a pretty nice sunset sunday night, what was my highlight of the trip.
Headed back home on monday and I met up with my girlfriends. Missed them a lot, though I was only gone for a few days. Gonna miss them a lot when I am back in germany....only 49 days left
Sonntag, 7. August 2011
Amazing weekend with the girls

We were pretty drunk and had a lot of fun. I was so glad I wasn't driving this time :D Well I paid the bill the next day. Was so hungover, but it was worth it ;)
The saturday afternoon did I spend with Ana in the mall, fun!! Took some pictures together. Later we watched a movie at her place and went out for Brownie's on the lake with Juliana and Macca. I was impressed with all the boats etc. cause it was right at the Marina. A lot of rich people and all kind of people, old, young, handsome, ugly....We were dancing outside, but it was still really hot outside and so humid!! So we didn't dance that much, but it was still fun. Of course there were some jerks hitting on me and the girls, but they r everywhere....
The sunday I spent at the pool reading and listening to my Ipod :)
The more fun I have here the more I recognize how hard it will be to leave all this behind me and start a new life again :(
Donnerstag, 4. August 2011
2 month left
Tomorrow it will be only 2 month left until I go back to Germany. Well if I get my flight confirmed, lol. Still waiting for it, but I probably sent it back a little too late...mhh hope they don't charge my for that!
Well, whatever... I am really getting exited now! Skyped with my parents who told me that I have a teacher job and I have to be there at October 21st to swear the oath. I also had to pick 2 cities that I would prefer to work at, so lets see where I will end up living for the next 18 month. But one thing is save, I will be back in my beloved Münsterland :)
Bad thing about leaving so soon is that I am having a really good time right now. I met some very nice new friends and we r hanging out a lot. Feels like I know them longer and not only for such a short time. They r new Au Pairs here so I showed them a couple things and we still have lot of things to do. I am also hanging out with some old friends that I haven't heard of for a while...
So I am just enjoying the rest of my american life and have some fun :D
I love my kids here so much, I will miss them like crazy. Best time of the day is when we r in the car, I turn on my ipod and we sing some songs together. Favorites right now: Taylor Swift- U belong with me; Adele- Rollong in the deep and Sean Kingston- Letting go.
Lol. They r great! So funny when they say:"Hey Jess, can u turn on that song, u know that "dub di dub di dub di dum dum....letting go" ♥
Well, whatever... I am really getting exited now! Skyped with my parents who told me that I have a teacher job and I have to be there at October 21st to swear the oath. I also had to pick 2 cities that I would prefer to work at, so lets see where I will end up living for the next 18 month. But one thing is save, I will be back in my beloved Münsterland :)
Bad thing about leaving so soon is that I am having a really good time right now. I met some very nice new friends and we r hanging out a lot. Feels like I know them longer and not only for such a short time. They r new Au Pairs here so I showed them a couple things and we still have lot of things to do. I am also hanging out with some old friends that I haven't heard of for a while...
So I am just enjoying the rest of my american life and have some fun :D
I love my kids here so much, I will miss them like crazy. Best time of the day is when we r in the car, I turn on my ipod and we sing some songs together. Favorites right now: Taylor Swift- U belong with me; Adele- Rollong in the deep and Sean Kingston- Letting go.
Lol. They r great! So funny when they say:"Hey Jess, can u turn on that song, u know that "dub di dub di dub di dum dum....letting go" ♥
Samstag, 23. Juli 2011
Counting the days
Right now I am counting the days til I am back in Germany. Don't get me wrong, I really like it here, but there are of course a few things that I don't like that much or that are just different in Germany. And after almost 10 month (!!) you get a little exhausted, especially during summer vacation when you take care of the kids the whole day. Of course they have some summer activities, but I still have to be creative with them and do a lot of stuff with them so they won't get bored. But I am really thankful that I have so sweet girls. I really like hanging out with them, play with them in the pool or at home etc, but at the end of the day I am glad to be off :)
But the last couple weeks were really exhausting. Working 9-10 hours, then college til 8 or so and then I am really tired. Sometimes I meet up with some friends, but to be honest I just like having some Jessie-time where I can just do what I want. For example, I just started reading the Sookie Stackhouse novels. People who know me, know that I love the TV show "True Blood" which is based on those novels.
College will end next week, finally...been driving a lot what means paying a lot for gas. Well of course not as much as in Germany, but still....
I hope I will have some news about my job as a teacher soon. Kind of exited, but also scared. Wonder if I can still handle the german grammar and spelling...Maybe I should start writing this blog in german again?! No, don't think so...
Well that's what's going on right now, told you I will not write about real personal stuff anymore ;)
Today is July 23rd what means it's only 74 day until I go back to good old Germany
But the last couple weeks were really exhausting. Working 9-10 hours, then college til 8 or so and then I am really tired. Sometimes I meet up with some friends, but to be honest I just like having some Jessie-time where I can just do what I want. For example, I just started reading the Sookie Stackhouse novels. People who know me, know that I love the TV show "True Blood" which is based on those novels.
College will end next week, finally...been driving a lot what means paying a lot for gas. Well of course not as much as in Germany, but still....
I hope I will have some news about my job as a teacher soon. Kind of exited, but also scared. Wonder if I can still handle the german grammar and spelling...Maybe I should start writing this blog in german again?! No, don't think so...
Well that's what's going on right now, told you I will not write about real personal stuff anymore ;)
Today is July 23rd what means it's only 74 day until I go back to good old Germany
Sonntag, 10. Juli 2011
my life boring??ähhhm nooooo
I decided not to write any more personal and for me really important stuff here cause it is kind of private and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. But let me tell u one thing. There is a lot going on right now and when I tell people, they r like "OMG ur life is a freaking soap opera!" Lol. It's crazy...well it's only 3 more month left and then I will hopefully have a normal life again :) I sent my flight request form last week and I will probably go home October 5th. I will hopefully have enough time to find an appartment, get settled and visit my friends before my teacher job will start in November 1st...We'll see
Freitag, 8. Juli 2011
Update July 1.0
Allright lets see what happened since the last time I updated my blog...Hmm I was hanging out a lot with my friends, well after collge classes that actually started a few weeks ago. They are ok. One of my classes is kind of boring and I don't really learn something new, but it's ok. Gonna have midterm next monday and have to "study" a little bit for it this weekend. I also have to write a paper about a health issue. I chose "anorexia nervosa" cause it is always up to date and it effects a lot of people.
Ma basketball class is really cool. We r like 4 girls in that class and most of the time we r playing and of course working on our skills. Last class I jammed my finger, so it is swollen and blue now, but it is not the first time that that is happening to me so I know how to tape it etc.
Last weekend, from thursday til tuesday, two of my friends and me drove to Wisconsin to visit a friend and spend time in her parents summer cabin. It took us 8 or 9 hours to get there and we were driving through the night so we arrived early in the morning. We slept for a few hours, had a wonderful american breakfast and then packed the boat and the jet-skis and enjoyed the beautiful weather, the lake, friends and drinks :) I felt like in paradise. Nothing to worry, just realaxing and getting tannedd :D
So that's what we did most of the time. Sleeping, getting up, getting ready for the day, spending the day on/in the water, having drinks, a lot of fun with the jet-skis, tubing, wakeboarding( I tried it for the first time in my life. It is really hard, but I got up for a couple seconds :) ) swimming, playing in the water...so it was just AWESOME!!
On 4th of July there was that huge firework and we enjoyed it on the boat with my friends, family and even more friends :) Really cool
The way back to Michigan took like forever cause there was looooots of traffic and we were stuck at Cicago for about 3 hours. So we got home after midnight. Good thing I didn't have to start working before 9am :)
So now the usual dayly routine started again. Working, college, friends, studying or bed. So I always can't wait for the weekend and for sleeping in :)
Ma basketball class is really cool. We r like 4 girls in that class and most of the time we r playing and of course working on our skills. Last class I jammed my finger, so it is swollen and blue now, but it is not the first time that that is happening to me so I know how to tape it etc.
Last weekend, from thursday til tuesday, two of my friends and me drove to Wisconsin to visit a friend and spend time in her parents summer cabin. It took us 8 or 9 hours to get there and we were driving through the night so we arrived early in the morning. We slept for a few hours, had a wonderful american breakfast and then packed the boat and the jet-skis and enjoyed the beautiful weather, the lake, friends and drinks :) I felt like in paradise. Nothing to worry, just realaxing and getting tannedd :D
So that's what we did most of the time. Sleeping, getting up, getting ready for the day, spending the day on/in the water, having drinks, a lot of fun with the jet-skis, tubing, wakeboarding( I tried it for the first time in my life. It is really hard, but I got up for a couple seconds :) ) swimming, playing in the water...so it was just AWESOME!!
On 4th of July there was that huge firework and we enjoyed it on the boat with my friends, family and even more friends :) Really cool
The way back to Michigan took like forever cause there was looooots of traffic and we were stuck at Cicago for about 3 hours. So we got home after midnight. Good thing I didn't have to start working before 9am :)
So now the usual dayly routine started again. Working, college, friends, studying or bed. So I always can't wait for the weekend and for sleeping in :)
Me and Betsy on the tube |
Sonntag, 19. Juni 2011
Update June1.0
Ok let's see, what is new....had a fight or something with a person who I thought was my friend, but after a guy showed off, she showed me her real face. Don't want to go into details, but I lost her as a friend :(. Women are sometimes just really complicated, that's why I like hanging out with guy-friends. They are not so bitchy and just not complicated. If u have a problem, just tell me, but please don't pretend that everything is fine and talk behind my back!
But I made a new friend and I am happy that I met him. Kimi, me and him are hanging out a lot and we r going to Minnesota in 2 weeks. Sounds like a lot of fun and I can't wait :) Yesterday we went to stony creek for kajaking. Was so much fun and I really enjoyed the nature and the silence. Kimi also showed us Eminem's house that is nearby. Really cool :)
Tomorrow my college classes are atarting. I am taking basketball and lifestyle choices. Let's see how this turns out to be. My kids have vacation now, so I will be busy with them too. Swimming lessons for them, dance camp etc....
So that'S what's going on right now. Working, hanging out with my friends and enjoying the summer :)
But I made a new friend and I am happy that I met him. Kimi, me and him are hanging out a lot and we r going to Minnesota in 2 weeks. Sounds like a lot of fun and I can't wait :) Yesterday we went to stony creek for kajaking. Was so much fun and I really enjoyed the nature and the silence. Kimi also showed us Eminem's house that is nearby. Really cool :)
Tomorrow my college classes are atarting. I am taking basketball and lifestyle choices. Let's see how this turns out to be. My kids have vacation now, so I will be busy with them too. Swimming lessons for them, dance camp etc....
So that'S what's going on right now. Working, hanging out with my friends and enjoying the summer :)
Sonntag, 12. Juni 2011
Yosemite National Parc
Awesome, amazing, beautiful....lots of words that are coming in my mind when I think about the Yosemite National Parc. I am glad I made that tour, though I had to get up at 5:30 in the morning cause the tourguide picked me up at 6am. It was really nice, I was in that little bus with like 26 other people and our tourguide, who was German told us a little bit about the area, but after a while almost everybody was sleeping or just dozing. The countryside was soooo beautiful, I liked it a lot! After a few hours we arrived in the parc and the driver dropped us off for the first stop. We had to walk 1 mile to see the giant sequoia trees. They are really big, thats why they are so popular. For seeing them I had to walk through snow(!!) and of course I was not wearing the right shoes for a walk through snow, what means I was wearing my Converse shoes which were after that trip soaking wet ;) Well it was worth it :) My camera's battery was about to die so I only took 2 pictures of the trees. After everybody was back on the bus we were driving deeper in the parc and we saw more of the beauty of nature. I was gorgeous!! We had the chance to walk around and take pictures and our tourguide was giving us informations about the waterfalls etc. Couldn't remember everything ;)
After a few hours we headed back to San Francisco and I was there at 8:30. So I had a full day and was dead tired when I got back. It was really a nice tour and I am glad I booked it. This was the best part of my San Francisco trip :) Though seeing my dad was also pretty nice :)
Here is a link for my pictures about Yosemite and San Francisco: https://picasaweb.google.com/111642259285248643163/SanFranciscoAndYosemite?feat=directlink
After a few hours we headed back to San Francisco and I was there at 8:30. So I had a full day and was dead tired when I got back. It was really a nice tour and I am glad I booked it. This was the best part of my San Francisco trip :) Though seeing my dad was also pretty nice :)
Here is a link for my pictures about Yosemite and San Francisco: https://picasaweb.google.com/111642259285248643163/SanFranciscoAndYosemite?feat=directlink
Sonntag, 5. Juni 2011
San Francisco Day 4
Today was not really special though I saw the sun for a little bit ;)
I just walked into the city and was looking for a Borders store to buy a book for my flight back, but guess what there is no freaking Borders. They are all closed :( So it is 89 Starbucks vs. 0 Borders...So people just drink coffee here and don't read or what?
And of course I got lost because I am no friends with maps. I was looking for Union square to do some windowshopping etc, but of course little Jessi messed up Union street and Union square so I landed in a not so nice area....well let's say if I would have been looking for a job as a stripper or so I would have been right there ;) But at least I saw some cable cars on my way. They are not running right now so it is rare when u see one...
Well I found my way back to Pier 39 and took a street car to union square. That is the part of San Francisco that I actually really like. Didn't buy anything, I spent already enough money...
Tomorrow I am going to Yosamite National Park and I am really excited. The tour starts at 6 in the morning, so that is the bad part about it, but maybe I can sleep in the bus. Hope I will not freeze too bad there, gonna put on several layers of cloth...
Gonna relax now, my feet really hurt after all that walking....
I just walked into the city and was looking for a Borders store to buy a book for my flight back, but guess what there is no freaking Borders. They are all closed :( So it is 89 Starbucks vs. 0 Borders...So people just drink coffee here and don't read or what?
And of course I got lost because I am no friends with maps. I was looking for Union square to do some windowshopping etc, but of course little Jessi messed up Union street and Union square so I landed in a not so nice area....well let's say if I would have been looking for a job as a stripper or so I would have been right there ;) But at least I saw some cable cars on my way. They are not running right now so it is rare when u see one...
Well I found my way back to Pier 39 and took a street car to union square. That is the part of San Francisco that I actually really like. Didn't buy anything, I spent already enough money...
Tomorrow I am going to Yosamite National Park and I am really excited. The tour starts at 6 in the morning, so that is the bad part about it, but maybe I can sleep in the bus. Hope I will not freeze too bad there, gonna put on several layers of cloth...
Gonna relax now, my feet really hurt after all that walking....
San Francisco Day 3
Today I woke up by the rain cause it was pouring and it didn't stop til noon or something. But this didn't stop me from meeting my dad and hanging out with him. So I walked through the rain to Pier 39 where we met. He already bought some tickets for some activities and we started with a ride an on ferry which drove to the Golden Gate Bridge where it made a turn and passed Alcatrez. The weather was still crappy, but in the beginning it was at least not raining anymore so that we could stand on the deck and take some pictures. Bad thing is that my camera's battery is about to die and I forgot the charger...hope I can still take some pictures on monday when I am going on a Yosemite tour. I really liked the tour on the ferry and it was ok that the weather was not that good. After that tour we went to the Aquarium of bay. That was really neat and we've seen lots of fish, sharks, starfish and jellyfish. The coolest part was to see kids being so excited and deep impressed by all those fish. You could walk through a glass tunnel where the fish were swimming, so they were swimming over your head too. Pretty cool :)
After the aquarium we were walking through Pier 39 and had lunch at Bubba Gump Shrimp co, a restaurant leaned on the characters from the movie "Forrest Gump". Remember the part, where Bubba tells Forrest what kind of food u can make with Shrimps? Well You can try a lot of seafood in that restaurant. Really a cool place.
After lunch we went for another city tour, what was really nice cause it took 2 hours and the driver told and showed us a lot of stuff that I haven't seen/heard before.
I had a really nice weekend with my dad and the next time I will see him will be in October when I go back to Germany.
Thanks Dad for that great weekend. Have a good trip home. Hugs and kisses from your one and only daughter :)
After the aquarium we were walking through Pier 39 and had lunch at Bubba Gump Shrimp co, a restaurant leaned on the characters from the movie "Forrest Gump". Remember the part, where Bubba tells Forrest what kind of food u can make with Shrimps? Well You can try a lot of seafood in that restaurant. Really a cool place.
After lunch we went for another city tour, what was really nice cause it took 2 hours and the driver told and showed us a lot of stuff that I haven't seen/heard before.
I had a really nice weekend with my dad and the next time I will see him will be in October when I go back to Germany.
Thanks Dad for that great weekend. Have a good trip home. Hugs and kisses from your one and only daughter :)
Freitag, 3. Juni 2011
San Francisco Day 2
Today I woke up kind of early what means like 9am ;) After I took a shower and had breakfast at the hostel I went to the city to do the rest of the sight seeing tour that I booked. This one included a ride ofer the Golden Gate Bridge, a place where we were able to take pictures and a ride to a city called Sausalito. Let me tell u something, the feeling that I missed about San Francisco is what I got when I went to Sausalito. It is a beautiful little City at the bay and it has all those nice houses and cute little shops. It is kind of a wealthy city so it has a yach club with all those great boats and it has lots of galleries and shops for the wealthier people. But it also has nice little shops or restaurants for the "normal" people. Our tour guide told us that in one of the restaurants, called "Hamburgers", u can get the best burger in the area. So I tried it and it was really good. I spend more time in Sausalito than the other tourists on the bus cause I mised my ride back. But that was ok cause the buses came regularly and I just took one an hour or so later.
Later that day I bought some souvenirs for my girls and then my dad called me that he was on his way to see me. So I finally met him again. It's been almost 8 month since I saw him the last time. It was soo good to see him. I told him about Sausalito so we took his car and drove over to Sausalito. I finally had more time to check out that city and showed my dad what I've already ssen. Really nice :) Bought him some ice-cream and he got me a sweater :)
Went back to San Francisco and had dinner at an italian restaurant in little italy where he has been last weekend with some of his collegues. The waiters remembered him and they were really nice. Food was good as well though I was not really hungry. He dropped me off at my hostel after dinner and that was knd of it. Gonna meet him tomorrow again and then we will decide what to do...
Later that day I bought some souvenirs for my girls and then my dad called me that he was on his way to see me. So I finally met him again. It's been almost 8 month since I saw him the last time. It was soo good to see him. I told him about Sausalito so we took his car and drove over to Sausalito. I finally had more time to check out that city and showed my dad what I've already ssen. Really nice :) Bought him some ice-cream and he got me a sweater :)
Went back to San Francisco and had dinner at an italian restaurant in little italy where he has been last weekend with some of his collegues. The waiters remembered him and they were really nice. Food was good as well though I was not really hungry. He dropped me off at my hostel after dinner and that was knd of it. Gonna meet him tomorrow again and then we will decide what to do...
San Francisco Night 1
Oh my gosh, I am sooooo tired. So u can tell that I went to that pub thing where we were at least in 5 bars. Was really a lot of fun and I met a lot of new people, most of them from Australia, but also from Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and America. Most of the time I hung out with the Australian guys, yes there were mor guys than girls, but I didn't mind. Well not in the beginning, but later at night some of the guys were really annoying. There was for axample that Asian Australian who didn't stop staring at me and who always wanted to dance with me and he was always like touching my arm and so. And that Austrian just didn't stop talking with me in German and I was just bored of him. I hope that doesn't sound too bad, but I was just really tired and didn't want to pretend to like those guys...
We went to that other hostel downtown that also had a bar and we've been to a gay bar and a couple other bars. We stayed til they closed, so at 2 am two Aussis, the Canadian girl and me took a cab to our hostel and I had to sneak in my room cause the other two girls that I was sharing the rrom with were already asleep. Felt so good to sleep after 23 hours being awake and wearing my contacts. Really not a good thing to do.
So now is a new day and I will make the rest of the double decker bus tour and see the Golden Gate Bridge. Hope it will not rain, it is really cloudy outside....
We went to that other hostel downtown that also had a bar and we've been to a gay bar and a couple other bars. We stayed til they closed, so at 2 am two Aussis, the Canadian girl and me took a cab to our hostel and I had to sneak in my room cause the other two girls that I was sharing the rrom with were already asleep. Felt so good to sleep after 23 hours being awake and wearing my contacts. Really not a good thing to do.
So now is a new day and I will make the rest of the double decker bus tour and see the Golden Gate Bridge. Hope it will not rain, it is really cloudy outside....
Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2011
San Francisco Day 1
Got up at 6am, Kimi picked me up at 7am and dropped me off at the Detroit Airport and my flight to San Francisco left at 9.
Flight was kind of shaky, but ok. Just really long for me (5.20 h). So I arrived at 11:20 local time so now I am 9 h behind Germany....
I chose San Francisco for some of my vacation days because my dad is in California right now and he will come to San Francisco this weekend so that we can meet. Haven't seen him since I left Germany so for almost 8 month now...
After I checked in in my hostel at Fisherman's Wharf, I decided to explore the city a bit on my own. So I walked along the beach and Pier 39 that is really close to my hostel and went on a double decker tour bus to see more of the city. Though I have a great view at the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz from my hostel, I have to confess that I am kind of disappointed of that city. Maybe my expectations were too high and I thought I would fall in love with that city like I did with Washington D.C. Well I did not. Don't get me wrong, the city is nice, but I would never say that I love that city or so....And it is freaking cold with the wind and in the shade. Was freezing like crazy when I was on my way back to the hostel.
I signed up for a pub night, though I am really exhausted....Well it is an opportunity to meet some new people, so I guess it will be fun. Don't have to get up early tomorrow. Just planned to do the rest of the tour and see the Golden Gate bridge etc. Gonna meet my dad in the evening cause he is working earlier.
Gonna post some pictured when I am back in Detroit, didn't bring my cable for my laptop...
Flight was kind of shaky, but ok. Just really long for me (5.20 h). So I arrived at 11:20 local time so now I am 9 h behind Germany....
I chose San Francisco for some of my vacation days because my dad is in California right now and he will come to San Francisco this weekend so that we can meet. Haven't seen him since I left Germany so for almost 8 month now...
After I checked in in my hostel at Fisherman's Wharf, I decided to explore the city a bit on my own. So I walked along the beach and Pier 39 that is really close to my hostel and went on a double decker tour bus to see more of the city. Though I have a great view at the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz from my hostel, I have to confess that I am kind of disappointed of that city. Maybe my expectations were too high and I thought I would fall in love with that city like I did with Washington D.C. Well I did not. Don't get me wrong, the city is nice, but I would never say that I love that city or so....And it is freaking cold with the wind and in the shade. Was freezing like crazy when I was on my way back to the hostel.
I signed up for a pub night, though I am really exhausted....Well it is an opportunity to meet some new people, so I guess it will be fun. Don't have to get up early tomorrow. Just planned to do the rest of the tour and see the Golden Gate bridge etc. Gonna meet my dad in the evening cause he is working earlier.
Gonna post some pictured when I am back in Detroit, didn't bring my cable for my laptop...
Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011
Roadtrip #1 aka Washington D.C.
Friday May 20th, my bags are packed and I am ready to leave for my firs american roadtrip with my amazing friends Ket and Kimi. Our destination: Washington D.C. the Capitol of the United States of America. We left in the evening after work and most of the time Kimi or Ketrin were driving.They wanted me to have a relaxed first roadtrip, so I tried to sleep a little bit in the car, but I just can't sleep in cars...It was really nice though, we had wonderful warm weather and the traffic was not a problem at all. We drove through Ohio (what we Michigan people don't like that much. It's like Cologne and Düsseldorf ;) ), Pennsylvania and Maryland and I have to say the Detroit area is really not pretty. I almost felt like in Germany because of all the beautiful countryside and the trees etc. Didn't see it that much on our way to D.C. cause it went dark outside soon. But I have seen an amazing big moon while we were driving, couldn't take a good picture with my camera though and our professional photographer was driving...
After 9 hours of driving we arrived in D.C. and it was love at the first sight. It is just such a beautiful city and I would love to live there someday in the future...Our hotel was still closed at 5:30am and everything else as well so we decided to explore the city a bit and so we saw the white house and several other monuments or memorials. It was my favorite part of the trip cause it was still cool outside, we watched the sun rising over the city and there were just a few people already out there. We had so much fun, I am glad that we made that trip and that Kimi planned that trip so good for us. Thank u again!!
At like 8am we went back to our hotel and checked in. After a short nap we went to the pool and hot tub. Gosh that felt really good. We all fell asleep in the pool area, we were just so exhausted. So we went back upstairs had a nap, shower and went off to our tour through the city. We made a hop on/hop off doubledecker tour which was really nice thoug it was extremly hot. I sometimes thought I was burning, but me the white girl didn't get a sunburn *yeah*!
We've seen almost everything during that tour and I fell more and more in love with that city!
So we've been really tired when we arrived at the hotel later. I think we fell asleep at 9pm, can't remember the last time I was asleep that early ;)
So we were heading home sunday at noon and arrived in Detroit at 11:30pm again. Took a little longer cause we stopped for something to eat what was a great mistake cause the food was awful and poor Kimi got sick :( Well I was just glad to be home after a long drive!
So I guess this was my weekend! I had an amazing time with my girls! Thank u so much! Can't wait for our next trip!!
After 9 hours of driving we arrived in D.C. and it was love at the first sight. It is just such a beautiful city and I would love to live there someday in the future...Our hotel was still closed at 5:30am and everything else as well so we decided to explore the city a bit and so we saw the white house and several other monuments or memorials. It was my favorite part of the trip cause it was still cool outside, we watched the sun rising over the city and there were just a few people already out there. We had so much fun, I am glad that we made that trip and that Kimi planned that trip so good for us. Thank u again!!
At like 8am we went back to our hotel and checked in. After a short nap we went to the pool and hot tub. Gosh that felt really good. We all fell asleep in the pool area, we were just so exhausted. So we went back upstairs had a nap, shower and went off to our tour through the city. We made a hop on/hop off doubledecker tour which was really nice thoug it was extremly hot. I sometimes thought I was burning, but me the white girl didn't get a sunburn *yeah*!
We've seen almost everything during that tour and I fell more and more in love with that city!
So we've been really tired when we arrived at the hotel later. I think we fell asleep at 9pm, can't remember the last time I was asleep that early ;)
So we were heading home sunday at noon and arrived in Detroit at 11:30pm again. Took a little longer cause we stopped for something to eat what was a great mistake cause the food was awful and poor Kimi got sick :( Well I was just glad to be home after a long drive!
So I guess this was my weekend! I had an amazing time with my girls! Thank u so much! Can't wait for our next trip!!
The White House |
The US Capitol |
Washington Monument |
Lincoln Memorial |
Montag, 16. Mai 2011
kind of a routine....
When people ask me "So what's new?" I have to confess that there is nothing special going on right now. My life is stuck in a routine, but this is ok. Work all week, seeing some friends after work, going out on the weekend. Being hit on from a lot of guys in the clubs or bars we r going too, but there was no interesting guys at all....well at least it means free drinks ;) LOL. Am I arrogant when I know that I am pretty and I am taking advantage of it?? I don't think so. And as I told some of my friends before "I am how I am and I am happy like this ;)"
So Ket, Kimmi and me are going to D.C. this weekend. Gonna be a nice roadtrip hopefully. Can't wait, had such a good weekend with my two girls :) And it's gonna be a test for our trip to Minnesota in July....so fingers crossed that we'll get along good
Oh and I am finally Goldylocks again. My hair started to get darker again cause my highlight were growing out, but I went to the hairdresser on saturday and am really blond again, I love it!!
So Ket, Kimmi and me are going to D.C. this weekend. Gonna be a nice roadtrip hopefully. Can't wait, had such a good weekend with my two girls :) And it's gonna be a test for our trip to Minnesota in July....so fingers crossed that we'll get along good
Oh and I am finally Goldylocks again. My hair started to get darker again cause my highlight were growing out, but I went to the hairdresser on saturday and am really blond again, I love it!!
Montag, 9. Mai 2011
My first visit of Detroit's zoo
I love zoos and the Detroit zoo didn't disappointed me though I didn't see any elephants...
It was so nice there. Walking in the sun, watching all those great animals and having fun with friends :)
We stayed until the zoo closed and went for sushi afterwards. Mmmmmmhhhhhh sushi. We were all starving and soooo exhausted. When I came home I only made a cake for my hostmum for mother's day on sunday and fell into my bed. Wanted to go out, but I was just too exhausted...
My hostmum liked the cake and it was kind of a saver cause she made a cake for a family party, but the cake came out of the the oven in several pieces....so she took the cake I made for her. Bad thing is that she couldn't even try a piece cause it was gone in an blink of an eye...guess it tasted good ;) got already several orders from my friends :D
Samstag, 7. Mai 2011
weird dreams
I had a really weird dream lst night. I can't remember everything, but I know that I was kind of confused when I woke up.
I remember, that I was in Germany for a visit and that I was living in California. So I had my ticket for California in my hand and realized that I missed my flight cause I messed up with the dates. So I had to book a new flight and the way to the airport was really crazy and hard to find....
So what does it mean??
Do I wanna stay in the US, but not in Michigan?
Do I just want nice summer weather?
Am I confused about what I want??
I have no idea! Dreams.....
I remember, that I was in Germany for a visit and that I was living in California. So I had my ticket for California in my hand and realized that I missed my flight cause I messed up with the dates. So I had to book a new flight and the way to the airport was really crazy and hard to find....
So what does it mean??
Do I wanna stay in the US, but not in Michigan?
Do I just want nice summer weather?
Am I confused about what I want??
I have no idea! Dreams.....
Dienstag, 3. Mai 2011
time flies....
OMG (oh my gosh ;) ) I just got an email from my au pair company that reminds me that my 7th month just started and that I soon have to think about the date for my flight back to Germany. That really made me sooo sad. I know I always said that I miss my friends and family in Germany, but I found some new and great friends and family here too. I wish there would be no need to go back, but I have to get started with my job as a teacher and I don't want to be an au pair any longer than needed ;)
I don't regret the decision to come here and I know that I will come back when I saved some money and am settled in Germany again. Who knows, maybe I will be teaching in America in a few years...
This time I know for sure that this good bye will be really hard and that emotional Jessi will cry a lot....But hey, still 5 month to go and I will enjoy those month as much as possible!!
Love and miss u guys :)
I don't regret the decision to come here and I know that I will come back when I saved some money and am settled in Germany again. Who knows, maybe I will be teaching in America in a few years...
This time I know for sure that this good bye will be really hard and that emotional Jessi will cry a lot....But hey, still 5 month to go and I will enjoy those month as much as possible!!
Love and miss u guys :)
Samstag, 30. April 2011
Laser tag + drinks with friends = awesome birthday :)
On tuesday was my 26th birthday and I have to say it was really great. Went out with my friends for laser tag and drinks. We played girls vs boys and though we (the girls) lost, we kicked asses and the boys won pretty tight. I am not looking for any excuses why the girls lost, but the boys had one more player and some of the girls were wearing high heels. Lol. Anyway, it was a lot of fun and I can't wait to play it again!
After laser tag we went to a bar and had some drinks. Really nice and some of the German guys taught Leticia bad words. Hehe...
Too bad I had to get up early on the next day, had a little hangover and needed more sleep. Ally's class went on a fieldtrip and my hostmum and I were volunteering to go with them. So I went to the museum and was nursing my hangover there ;) Didn't work that good, but thank god I did not drink that much on my birthday. Would have killed me :P
So now I am 26, but thank god I do not look like 26 :D
Let's see what the next weekends will bring, that one guy I gave my number finally stopped calling and leaving messages. Need to be more careful who I am giving my number ;)
After laser tag we went to a bar and had some drinks. Really nice and some of the German guys taught Leticia bad words. Hehe...
Too bad I had to get up early on the next day, had a little hangover and needed more sleep. Ally's class went on a fieldtrip and my hostmum and I were volunteering to go with them. So I went to the museum and was nursing my hangover there ;) Didn't work that good, but thank god I did not drink that much on my birthday. Would have killed me :P
So now I am 26, but thank god I do not look like 26 :D
Let's see what the next weekends will bring, that one guy I gave my number finally stopped calling and leaving messages. Need to be more careful who I am giving my number ;)
Sonntag, 24. April 2011
Great weekend :)
I had an amazing weekend. Went out with the Brazilian girls on friday and it was soooo much fun. We went to Royal oak to a bar and a bar/club (whatever, can't remember the name ;) ) and it was just a lot of fun. We celebrated Leticia's birthday and I've been having a lot of drinks. The second place we went was pretty cool too, nice guys there and I got some numbers and lots of compliments. Lol, good for my self-esteem though I was not up for meeting guys :P
Maybe that's the reason why I did not text back those guys and maybe because after I talked and/or danced with them they turned out to be soooo boring and could not really dance :( well someone told that white Americans cannot dance, guess that's true :P
Well saturday I payed the bill for all that drinks and had a terrible hangover. Did not get up til the afternoon. My hostmum was so worried that she came in and asked if everything was ok and if I was alive ;) Was the first time I had such a bad hangover here. LOL. Well, I survived and of course we told the kids I was sick...
Today was easter and the easter bunny brought me an easter basket too. I got easter socks, a year membership for the Detroit Zoo, nailpolish, a pedicure set, candy and some magnetic notes and a book from my parents.
In the afternoon we went to the girls grandparents for an arabic dinner. There was sooo much food and some friends and relatives. I also got an early birthday cake and a present from the grandparents. Sooo nice :)
Tommorow I am having a birthday dinner with my hostfamily and Kimi and on Tuesday I will meet some friends for Laser tag and drinks :) Hope it's gonna be legen-wait for it- dary :D
Gonna upload some pictures soon. Hope u all had a wonderful easter!
Maybe that's the reason why I did not text back those guys and maybe because after I talked and/or danced with them they turned out to be soooo boring and could not really dance :( well someone told that white Americans cannot dance, guess that's true :P
Well saturday I payed the bill for all that drinks and had a terrible hangover. Did not get up til the afternoon. My hostmum was so worried that she came in and asked if everything was ok and if I was alive ;) Was the first time I had such a bad hangover here. LOL. Well, I survived and of course we told the kids I was sick...
Today was easter and the easter bunny brought me an easter basket too. I got easter socks, a year membership for the Detroit Zoo, nailpolish, a pedicure set, candy and some magnetic notes and a book from my parents.
In the afternoon we went to the girls grandparents for an arabic dinner. There was sooo much food and some friends and relatives. I also got an early birthday cake and a present from the grandparents. Sooo nice :)
Tommorow I am having a birthday dinner with my hostfamily and Kimi and on Tuesday I will meet some friends for Laser tag and drinks :) Hope it's gonna be legen-wait for it- dary :D
Gonna upload some pictures soon. Hope u all had a wonderful easter!
Mittwoch, 20. April 2011
Let's get over it
Well I decided he is not worth it whining about. I mean we had a good time, but now it is over and I will enjoy my last 6 month in USA. Soooo, what's going on right now? Well, I am turning 26 in 6 days (gosh I am old) and I hope to have a good party-weekend to celebrate my birthday. The last week was kind of misrable and I have to apologize to my friends for being such a moody, grumpy and selfish bitch. But I figured out for me, that guys are all the same, doesn't matter where u live and that he was obviously my type cause he was the wrong one :P haha, well life goes on
Went to Mamma Mia musical with Cindy and lots of other Aupairs. I love that show and I love ABBA :) The show was at the Fisher Theatre in the Fisher building Downtown. A nice older American guy gave us a little tour through the building. Soo nice, haha he thought I was American. Don't know why people always think that ;)
My wonderful and amazing German guy friends Thies, Gerrit and Jens sent me the most awesome birthday present which I already opened. It is the "kids game" Looping Louie that we used to play when we had parties in Münster (and they send me my favorite choclate :) ). It is our drinking game and it reminds me of the good times we had. Gosh I miss them soo much and I really miss Krav Maga. Maybe I will go for a session soon in Troy.
The kids have springbreak right now, what means a lot of work for me cause I have them fulltime. Pretty exhausting, especially with that crappy weather that is much more winter than spring. Believe it or not, but it snowed on monday and we got our winterboots out again. That sucks!!
Well that's kind of it, glad when that week is over :)
Went to Mamma Mia musical with Cindy and lots of other Aupairs. I love that show and I love ABBA :) The show was at the Fisher Theatre in the Fisher building Downtown. A nice older American guy gave us a little tour through the building. Soo nice, haha he thought I was American. Don't know why people always think that ;)
Loooooping Looooooouie |
The kids have springbreak right now, what means a lot of work for me cause I have them fulltime. Pretty exhausting, especially with that crappy weather that is much more winter than spring. Believe it or not, but it snowed on monday and we got our winterboots out again. That sucks!!
Well that's kind of it, glad when that week is over :)
Dienstag, 19. April 2011
Freitag, 15. April 2011
too bad I was just dreaming
U r all probably already bored by me being lovesick, but I don't care :P
I had a dream of him and me having my kind of perfect date. That was a picknick under the clear nightsky with lots of stars to be seen (I love the stars), sushi and strawberries to eat and champagner to drink...gosh I really miss that guy
And why the heck am I writing in english now?? Guess because I am almost all the time thinking in english...
I had a dream of him and me having my kind of perfect date. That was a picknick under the clear nightsky with lots of stars to be seen (I love the stars), sushi and strawberries to eat and champagner to drink...gosh I really miss that guy
And why the heck am I writing in english now?? Guess because I am almost all the time thinking in english...
Donnerstag, 14. April 2011
miss u...
I really miss him a lot and it bothers me that I can't stop thinking about him. I mean we were seeing each other only for three weeks, but that doesn't change anything. I hope to get the chance to speak to him again and at least get the chance to say good bye. I mean, I was really surprised when he told me he was breaking up with me. I really hate that feeling and it drives me crazy not being able to change the situation. But it helps me writing down what I am feeling, so please don't be annoyed by me writing down all that crap...
Montag, 11. April 2011
Aus und vorbei
So schnell es alles begonnen hat, so schnell hat es auch geendet. Leider. Jon hat gestern Abend mit mir Schluss gemacht und es hat mich doch sehr getroffen, da ich echt dachte wir hätten eine gute Zeit. Waren Freitag noch zusammen aus und ich habe bei ihm übernachtet und dann am Sonntag sowas... Er hat für sich festgestellt, dass es für ihn keinen Sinn macht, eine Beziehung zu haben, die in spätestens 7 Monaten ein Ende haben wird. Super, als ob er das nicht von Anfang an gewusste hat. Naja, er dachte halt es wäre kein Problem, aber dem ist anscheinend nicht so. Was mich so wurmt ist, dass er es nicht mal versuchen wollte. Ich mein, hätte ja auch sein können, dass wir nach ein paar Monaten merken, dass es einfach nicht klappt. Ich mein, wer sagt denn, dass wir wirklich so lange zusammen wären?!
Wie auch immer, bin jetzt in meiner break-up Phase, wo jeder Geanke an ihn/uns und jedes "hey wie gehts dir?" mich zum Heulen bringen. Dazu kommt Schalflosigkeit und Appetitlosigkeit.Super... Ich hasse mich dafür, dass ich zugelassen habe ihn so sehr zu mögen und ich mein Schutzschild zu früh herabgelassen habe. Dann würde es nämlich nicht so weh tun...
Es ist übrgens jetzt Halbzeit bei mir. Nur noch 6 Monate, dann ist das Jahr schon rum :( Aber ich freu mich natürlich auf meine Familie und meine Freunde. Und wer weiß, vielleicht ist Mr Right ja auch dort irgendwo in Deutschland.
Gleich startet das "wir lenken Jessi ab Programm" mit Kimmi und ihrer family und Ketrin, hoffe ich muss nicht allzu viel weinen, bin es echt leid, besonders in der Öffentlichkeit :(
Liebe zukünftigen oder derzeitigen Aupairs, lasst es euch sagen, fangt hier keine Beziehung an, too much drama!!
Und Liebeskummer ist noch schlimmer als Heimweh. Warum bin ich auch nur so blöd gewesen und bin aus meinem Kokon herausgekommen?? Wahrscheinlich, weil er noch so süß gesagt hat "I will not hurt u!" Yeah, for sure.
Ahhh, ich bin wirklich pissed und ich vermisse ihn so sehr!! So eine Drecksscheisße!!
Wie auch immer, bin jetzt in meiner break-up Phase, wo jeder Geanke an ihn/uns und jedes "hey wie gehts dir?" mich zum Heulen bringen. Dazu kommt Schalflosigkeit und Appetitlosigkeit.Super... Ich hasse mich dafür, dass ich zugelassen habe ihn so sehr zu mögen und ich mein Schutzschild zu früh herabgelassen habe. Dann würde es nämlich nicht so weh tun...
Es ist übrgens jetzt Halbzeit bei mir. Nur noch 6 Monate, dann ist das Jahr schon rum :( Aber ich freu mich natürlich auf meine Familie und meine Freunde. Und wer weiß, vielleicht ist Mr Right ja auch dort irgendwo in Deutschland.
Gleich startet das "wir lenken Jessi ab Programm" mit Kimmi und ihrer family und Ketrin, hoffe ich muss nicht allzu viel weinen, bin es echt leid, besonders in der Öffentlichkeit :(
Liebe zukünftigen oder derzeitigen Aupairs, lasst es euch sagen, fangt hier keine Beziehung an, too much drama!!
Und Liebeskummer ist noch schlimmer als Heimweh. Warum bin ich auch nur so blöd gewesen und bin aus meinem Kokon herausgekommen?? Wahrscheinlich, weil er noch so süß gesagt hat "I will not hurt u!" Yeah, for sure.
Ahhh, ich bin wirklich pissed und ich vermisse ihn so sehr!! So eine Drecksscheisße!!
Montag, 4. April 2011
Und plötzlich fühlt man sich wieder wie 16 oder so....
Seitdem ich mit Jon zusammen bin hat sich so einiges geändert. Ich war am Anfang noch schön mit "meinem" Auto spät nachts unterwegs und dachte halt es wäre kein Problem, wenn ich am Wochenende so gegen 5 Uhr morgens nach Hause komme....denkste, hatte erst mal so einige Gespräche mit meinen Gasteltern bezüglich Schlafmangel unter der Woche, Auto-Sperrstunde, Safer Sex, Zukunft etc. Ergebnis ist jetzt, dass ich unter der Woche allerspätestens um 12:00 zu hause sein soll (am Liebsten aber früher) , da sie denken, dass ich sonst zu müde zum arbeiten bin oder so. Außerdem wollen sie, dass mein Auto um diese Zeit zu hause ist und am Wochenende sollte es allerspätestens um 2:30 da sein. Sie denken halt, dass spät nachts zu viele Vollidioten unterwegs sind und es sind halt echt viele Leute unterwegs, die angetrunken/betrunken Auto fahren. Promillegrenze ist hier 0,8. Das Positive ist allerdings, dass meine Gasteltern zum Glück kein Problem damit haben, dass ich einen Freund habe, sodass ich am Wochenende auch bei ihm übernachten kann, womit das Auto Problem geklärt ist. Wenn das Auto nämlich bei ihm steht, muss es nicht um 2:30 zu hause sein :D
Das ganze hat mich am Anfang doch etwas angepisst, aber da es meinen Gasteltern ja nur um meine Sicherheit geht, arrangiere ich mich mit diesen Einschränkungen. Außerdem bin ich das erste Aupair von denen, dass nen Freund hier hat, somit ist für sie auch die Situation neu....Hmmm, ich bin mal gespannt wie es weiter geht, wir versuchen hier schön zu kommunizieren, sodass beide Parteien zufrieden sind.
Ansonsten gibts nicht viel zu erzählen, alles gut soweit :)
Das ganze hat mich am Anfang doch etwas angepisst, aber da es meinen Gasteltern ja nur um meine Sicherheit geht, arrangiere ich mich mit diesen Einschränkungen. Außerdem bin ich das erste Aupair von denen, dass nen Freund hier hat, somit ist für sie auch die Situation neu....Hmmm, ich bin mal gespannt wie es weiter geht, wir versuchen hier schön zu kommunizieren, sodass beide Parteien zufrieden sind.
Ansonsten gibts nicht viel zu erzählen, alles gut soweit :)
Dienstag, 29. März 2011
Es ist egal welche Sprache man spricht....
...solange man sich versteht :) Und das tun wir. Ich hab zwar manchmal ein paar Wortfindungsstörungen, aber hey es ist nun mal nicht meine Muttersprache und ich bin ja nun mal hier, um mein Englisch zu verbessern.
Hör im Moment viel Philipp Poisel, was ein gutes Zeichen ist, da ich seine Musik meist nur hören kann, wenn ich glücklich bin :D
Hab da auch gleich mal das richtige Lied gefunden ;) "Wer braucht schon Worte"....wenn er küssen kann ;)
Hör im Moment viel Philipp Poisel, was ein gutes Zeichen ist, da ich seine Musik meist nur hören kann, wenn ich glücklich bin :D
Hab da auch gleich mal das richtige Lied gefunden ;) "Wer braucht schon Worte"....wenn er küssen kann ;)
Sonntag, 27. März 2011
Well I guess I'm having a boyfriend :)
Nachdem Jon und ich seit Mittwoch jeden Tag zusammen waren und ihn ständig Typen gefragt haben, ob ich seine Freundin wäre, haben wir beschlossen, es einfach miteinander zu versuchen und nicht darüber nachzudenken, dass ich im Oktober oder spätestens November wieder zurück nach Deutschland gehe. Wir genießen einfach die Zeit, die wir miteinander haben und machen das Beste draus. Ist echt witzig, als wir es noch nicht offiziell gemacht haben, haben ihn dann ständig Typen gefragt, ob sie mir ihre Nummern geben könnten, da ich ja Single wäre. Lol. Plötzlich war ich super begehrt....Jon's Freunde sind auch alle super nett und sie sagen mir ständig, dass er echt ein guter Kerl wäre etc. Das glaube ich auch und vorallem ist er ein gentleman. Kann mich nicht erinnern, bis jetzt für irgendwas bezahlt zu haben. Ist mir schon ein wenig unangenehm, bin es halt nicht gewöhnt und ich mein ich verdien ja auch Geld hier, könnte also ruhig auch mal was bezahlen...werde vermutlich total verwöhnt zurück nach Deutschland kommen :D
Er hat mir auch schon ein paar echt coole Klubs gezeigt, wo die Leute so dermaßen abgehen. Die Leute können hier echt tanzen, vorallem die Afroamerikaner. Nach Aussage von einigen nicht weißen Amerikanern, können Weiße ah nicht tanzen. Hehe, ich gelte auch nicht als weiß, ich gelte als German :P Leider ist mein Araber grade am Knie verletzt und kann nicht so tanzen wie er gerne wollte. Aber lasst euch eins sagen, ich werde nie so tanzen wie einige der Leute hier, finds nämlich ehrlich gesagt unmöglich wie die tanzen. Hab das ja schon erwähnt, dass die hier tanzen als hätten die Sex (in allen möglich Varianten....). Einfach nicht mein style und ich bin echt nicht verklemmt ;)
Bin wirklich happy und bin gespannt wie es so weiter geht. Ich halte euch auf dem Laufenden :D
Er hat mir auch schon ein paar echt coole Klubs gezeigt, wo die Leute so dermaßen abgehen. Die Leute können hier echt tanzen, vorallem die Afroamerikaner. Nach Aussage von einigen nicht weißen Amerikanern, können Weiße ah nicht tanzen. Hehe, ich gelte auch nicht als weiß, ich gelte als German :P Leider ist mein Araber grade am Knie verletzt und kann nicht so tanzen wie er gerne wollte. Aber lasst euch eins sagen, ich werde nie so tanzen wie einige der Leute hier, finds nämlich ehrlich gesagt unmöglich wie die tanzen. Hab das ja schon erwähnt, dass die hier tanzen als hätten die Sex (in allen möglich Varianten....). Einfach nicht mein style und ich bin echt nicht verklemmt ;)
Bin wirklich happy und bin gespannt wie es so weiter geht. Ich halte euch auf dem Laufenden :D
Donnerstag, 24. März 2011
Und dann kam Jon....
Habe lange überlegt, ob ich einen so persönlichen post wirklich bloggen soll, aber warum eigentlich nicht. Immerhin berichte ich über mein Leben hier und das beinhaltet halt auch mein Liebesleben. Also liebe Leser, hiermit präsentiere ich Jessi's Love update 1.0 ;)
Wie ich ja bereits im St.Paddy's day blog berichtet habe, habe ich jemanden kennengelernt, der Tänzer aus der Bar ;)
Und das witzige ist, er ist das komplette Gegenteil von dem, was ich meinen Männergeschmack im Dr. Freud Bericht geschildert habe (Gott, dieser Satz ist sooo grottig ;) ). Wie auch immer, Jon ist arabischer Abstammung, hat Haare auf'm Kopf und im Gesicht, hat die Ohren gepierced und ist ein verdammt guter Tänzer :)
Habe ihn wie gesagt am st. paddy's day letzten Donnerstag kennengelernt. Haben zusammen getanzt und die Chemie hat einfach gestimmt. Außerdem hat er so verführerisch gerochen ;) Kimi hat ihm dann meine Nummer gegeben, als ich auf Toilette war und er hat sich dann auch am nächsten Tag gemeldet und nach einigem texten hatten wir dann lunch für Samstag ausgemacht. nach dem lunch waren wir noch in der Mall und ich hab ihn gleich erst mal in nen Laden geschleppt, wo die dirty things haben, brauchte noch eine Kleinigkeit für Ketrins Geburtstag ;) war super gelaxt und überhaupt nicht komisch, also nicht verklemmt oder so, trotz der ganzen sexartikel bla bla.
Wir wollten dann noch mit ein paar seiner Freunde bowlen, aber da die nicht in die Pötte gekommen sind, mussten wir irgendwie noch die zeit rumbringen. sind dann in seinem Auto ein bissl rumgefahren und believe it or not haben ganz ungeniert zu n'sync und den backstreetboys abgespackt ;) haha, ich war ganz ich selbst und er fand es gut. Sind dann zu seinem Freund Keith, den wir abholen wollten, als der dann mal kurz wegmusste haben wir dann ziemlich viel rumgealbert und so...
Sind dann noch laser tag spielen gefahren, super geil und seine Freunde sind auch alle voll nett. Musste mich dann aber gegen abend verabschieden, da ich noch mit den Mädels verabredet war zum ausgehen. Jon war übrigens die ganze zeit voll der Gentleman, so mit Tür aufhalten, alles bezahlen etc ;)
War dann also Samstag Abend mit den Brasilanerinnen und Kimi und co in nem Klub, den ich allerdings total blöd fand und war die ganze Zeit mit Jon am texten. Er ist dann schließlich mit Keith noch vorbeigekommen, was mich super gefreut hat. Irgendwie wurden die Typen in dem Klub dann so aufdringlich bei den Mädels, dass es fast zu einer Schlägerei kam und wir dann schließlich gegangen sind. Kimi und ich sind mit den Jungs noch was Essen gegangen und anschließend haben die uns dann nach hause gefahren.
Seitdem sind wir fleißig am texten und gestern Abend war ich dann auch noch mit ihm in ner Bar(mit dancefloor).bin ne Stunde zu spät gekommen, da ich mich tooootal verfahren habe, aber er war echt süß. Haben die ganze zeit getanzt * und einfach eine super zeit gehabt. jetzt bin ich allerdings todmüde, da ich nur 4 std geschlafen habe. aber was solls, das war es wert ;)
Heute abend werd ich dann nach der arbeit bei seinem footballspiel vorbeischauen :)
Soweit das update. er scheint echt anständig zu sein und obwohl wir uns erst knapp ne Woche kennen, mag ich ihn echt super gern und er mich auch :D
*natürlich haben wir nicht nuuuuur getanzt ;)
Samstag, 19. März 2011
St.Paddy's day
17.März 2011, die Amis drehen total am Rad und Jessi dreht ordentlich mit ;)
Es war nämlich St. Patricks day, wo alle St. Patrick "gedenken", grün tragen und ordentlich feiern. Hat mich sehr an Karneval erinnert, da die Party schon früh morgens anfängt und sich fast alle mehr oder weniger verkleiden.
Hatte mich natürlich auch ordentlich vorbereitet und mir eine grüne Perücke, grüne Kniestrümpfe, grünes Shirt und grünes Make up gekauft. Und natürlich meine grünen Chucks getragen.
Hab die Perücke dann schon morgens getragen, als ich die Kiddies in die Schule gebracht habe. War vorallem bei Bella in der Vorschule der Star, Kiddies haben meinen style geliebt. Hab die PErücke dann sogar beim Frühstück mit Ket im Pancake house angelassen, obwohl ich wohl die einzige richtig grüne Person zu dem Zeitpunkt da war. Hab aber nur positive Kommentare zur Perücke bekommen ;)
Abends ging es dann ins Dooley's eine Bar, wo man aber tanzen kann etc. War echt cool, habe grünes Bier getrunken und mit den brasilianischen Mädels gefeiert, Kimi kam dann aber später nach, sie musste noch recht lange arbeiten..
Hab dann mal wieder bemerkt, dass die Amis tanzen als ob sie Sex auf dem dancefloor hätten, echt hammer hart. In Deutschland würden da schon Kommentare wie "nehmt euch nen Zimmer" oder so kommen ;) Irgendwann haben dann zwei Typen angefangen mit einem dance battle, war so so cool!! War das erste mal, dass ich sowas wirklich live gesehen habe und ich war schwer begeistert. Vorallem von einem der Tänzer ;) Hab mit ihm später auch noch ziemlich lange getanz und lasst es euch sagen, ich war entzückt *yummie*!
Das Problem in Klubs/Bars ist allerdings, dass man sich so schlecht unterhalten kann und ich ihn durch die Musik so schlecht verstanden habe...
Am nächsten Morgen musste ich zum Glück erst um 11 anfangen zu arbeiten, da meine Gastmutter zu Hause war und wohl Mitgefühl mit mir hatte ;) Sehr sehr nett!!War trotzdem den ganzen Tag müde. Aber was solls, es war einfach so much fun!!
Mehr werd ich hier an dieser Stelle nicht verraten und werd mal sagen "to be continued"
Es war nämlich St. Patricks day, wo alle St. Patrick "gedenken", grün tragen und ordentlich feiern. Hat mich sehr an Karneval erinnert, da die Party schon früh morgens anfängt und sich fast alle mehr oder weniger verkleiden.
![]() |
schon ohne Perücke,hat nach ner Zeit genervt ;) |
Hab die Perücke dann schon morgens getragen, als ich die Kiddies in die Schule gebracht habe. War vorallem bei Bella in der Vorschule der Star, Kiddies haben meinen style geliebt. Hab die PErücke dann sogar beim Frühstück mit Ket im Pancake house angelassen, obwohl ich wohl die einzige richtig grüne Person zu dem Zeitpunkt da war. Hab aber nur positive Kommentare zur Perücke bekommen ;)
Abends ging es dann ins Dooley's eine Bar, wo man aber tanzen kann etc. War echt cool, habe grünes Bier getrunken und mit den brasilianischen Mädels gefeiert, Kimi kam dann aber später nach, sie musste noch recht lange arbeiten..
Hab dann mal wieder bemerkt, dass die Amis tanzen als ob sie Sex auf dem dancefloor hätten, echt hammer hart. In Deutschland würden da schon Kommentare wie "nehmt euch nen Zimmer" oder so kommen ;) Irgendwann haben dann zwei Typen angefangen mit einem dance battle, war so so cool!! War das erste mal, dass ich sowas wirklich live gesehen habe und ich war schwer begeistert. Vorallem von einem der Tänzer ;) Hab mit ihm später auch noch ziemlich lange getanz und lasst es euch sagen, ich war entzückt *yummie*!
Das Problem in Klubs/Bars ist allerdings, dass man sich so schlecht unterhalten kann und ich ihn durch die Musik so schlecht verstanden habe...
Am nächsten Morgen musste ich zum Glück erst um 11 anfangen zu arbeiten, da meine Gastmutter zu Hause war und wohl Mitgefühl mit mir hatte ;) Sehr sehr nett!!War trotzdem den ganzen Tag müde. Aber was solls, es war einfach so much fun!!
Mehr werd ich hier an dieser Stelle nicht verraten und werd mal sagen "to be continued"
Samstag, 12. März 2011
Update Maerz 2011
Hallo erstmal. Jaaaaa, ich weiss, es ist eine Weile her seit ich das letzte Mal geblogged habe, aber irgendwie war halt nicht so richtig was los und finds dann doch recht albern einfach irgendwas zu schreiben...
Wie auch immer, ich versuche mich zu bessern ;)
Ok, ich versuche mich kurz zu fassen und euch trotzdem upzudaten.
Zuerst einmal, mein Computer ist grade ziemlich im Arsch, da ich mir nen scheiss Virus/Trojaner eingefangen habe...nichts geht mehr, kann keine Programme oeffnen und meine Antivirus Programme haben auch den Geist aufgegeben. Letzte Hoffnung, Windows neu aufspielen und mein naechster Computer wird dann ein Mac ;) Muss mich allerdings noch ein weniggedulden, da ich die windows cd natuerlich in Deutschland vergessen habe und sie mir jetzt erst mal zugeschickt wird....schoene Scheisse! Bin also jetzt immer in der Buecherei im Internet mit amerikanischer Tastatur, deshalb hab ich keine Umlaute etc....
Die meisten Wochenenden habe ich einfach seeeehr gammelig verbracht und hab oftmals einfach nur relaxt, Filme geguckt, geshopped etc, da ich entweder total muede von der Woche war und/oder meine Freunde schon ausgebucht waren...
Fruehling ist hier immer noch nicht in Sicht, jedes Mal, wenn der Schnee schmilzt und man denkt "hah, jetzt kommt endlich der Fruehling!", lacht einem der Winter ins Gesicht und schickt eine neue Ladung Schnee. Was hab ich mir nur gedacht, nach Michigan zu ziehen?? :P
Mein College Kurs hat geendet und ich hab mich natuerlich nicht getraut meinen Lehrer um ein Date zu bitten. Wer mich kennt weiss, dass ich zwar ne grosse Klappe habe, aber in Liebes Dingen doch sehr schuechtern bin...Ich sag nur nuechtern zu schuechtern, besoffen zu offen ;) Vielleicht hab ich im naechsten Semester ja noch mal den Mario als teacher, wer weiss... College startet dann auch erst wieder im Mai/Juni, kommt drauf an, was man belegt. Werde dann wohl einige Kurse verpassen, da ich einige Trips geplant habe, die dann meistens 5 Tage oder so lang sind. Fliege im Juni nach San Francisco, wo ich meinen Dad treffen werde *freu* und Ende Juni/Anfang Juli gehts dann mit Ket und Kimmi nach Minnesota um Amanda zu besuchen :) Kann es kaum erwarten, ich brauche Urlaub und vorallem Sonne und Sommer!!!
Ach ja, hab nen A in meinem College Kurs bekommen :D
Mein Single Dasein geht mir auf den Geist, aber wie singt Michael Buble so schoen "I just haven't met u yet" und so ist es halt :P
Das Bieber fever hat mich auch erwischt. Hab mich dabei ertappt, dass ich das ALbum von Justim Bieber echt nicht schlecht finde und kann die meisten populaeren songs natuerlich schon mitsingen. Die kids und Kimmi singen auch schon staendig "never say naver" oder "baby baby baby oh..." haha und da Justin Bieber songs ja sogar bei Glee gesungen wurden, ist der Hype natuerlich nochmal groesser.... Gestern hat dann sogar mein hostdad angefangen "never say never" zu singen, ohne dass irgendwer den song davor gesungen oder gesummt haette :D einfach geil!! Und die beste Ausrede, warum ich Justin Bieber auf meinem Ipod habe ist natuerlich "because of the kids!!" ;)
Naechste Woche ist Saint Paddy's day und ich bin natuerlich schon bestens ausgeruestet. Hab mir ne gruene Peruecke, gruene Kniestruempfe, Make up und Nagellack gekauft und die gruenen Chucks hatte ich ja schon vorher ;) Wird wohl feucht froehlich, nur dumm, dass ich am naechsten Tag arbeiten muss. Naja, werde wohl nicht die einzige sein, die mit hanover arbeiten wird. Ist halt der Mist, wenn solche Tage mitten in der Woche sind (Donnerstag, 17.Maerz).
Ich glaube, das war soweit alles, hab auch nur noch 7 Minuten an dem Computer hier.
Fuehlt euch gedrueckt, kuss Jessi
Wie auch immer, ich versuche mich zu bessern ;)
Ok, ich versuche mich kurz zu fassen und euch trotzdem upzudaten.
Zuerst einmal, mein Computer ist grade ziemlich im Arsch, da ich mir nen scheiss Virus/Trojaner eingefangen habe...nichts geht mehr, kann keine Programme oeffnen und meine Antivirus Programme haben auch den Geist aufgegeben. Letzte Hoffnung, Windows neu aufspielen und mein naechster Computer wird dann ein Mac ;) Muss mich allerdings noch ein weniggedulden, da ich die windows cd natuerlich in Deutschland vergessen habe und sie mir jetzt erst mal zugeschickt wird....schoene Scheisse! Bin also jetzt immer in der Buecherei im Internet mit amerikanischer Tastatur, deshalb hab ich keine Umlaute etc....
Die meisten Wochenenden habe ich einfach seeeehr gammelig verbracht und hab oftmals einfach nur relaxt, Filme geguckt, geshopped etc, da ich entweder total muede von der Woche war und/oder meine Freunde schon ausgebucht waren...
Fruehling ist hier immer noch nicht in Sicht, jedes Mal, wenn der Schnee schmilzt und man denkt "hah, jetzt kommt endlich der Fruehling!", lacht einem der Winter ins Gesicht und schickt eine neue Ladung Schnee. Was hab ich mir nur gedacht, nach Michigan zu ziehen?? :P
Mein College Kurs hat geendet und ich hab mich natuerlich nicht getraut meinen Lehrer um ein Date zu bitten. Wer mich kennt weiss, dass ich zwar ne grosse Klappe habe, aber in Liebes Dingen doch sehr schuechtern bin...Ich sag nur nuechtern zu schuechtern, besoffen zu offen ;) Vielleicht hab ich im naechsten Semester ja noch mal den Mario als teacher, wer weiss... College startet dann auch erst wieder im Mai/Juni, kommt drauf an, was man belegt. Werde dann wohl einige Kurse verpassen, da ich einige Trips geplant habe, die dann meistens 5 Tage oder so lang sind. Fliege im Juni nach San Francisco, wo ich meinen Dad treffen werde *freu* und Ende Juni/Anfang Juli gehts dann mit Ket und Kimmi nach Minnesota um Amanda zu besuchen :) Kann es kaum erwarten, ich brauche Urlaub und vorallem Sonne und Sommer!!!
Ach ja, hab nen A in meinem College Kurs bekommen :D
Mein Single Dasein geht mir auf den Geist, aber wie singt Michael Buble so schoen "I just haven't met u yet" und so ist es halt :P
Das Bieber fever hat mich auch erwischt. Hab mich dabei ertappt, dass ich das ALbum von Justim Bieber echt nicht schlecht finde und kann die meisten populaeren songs natuerlich schon mitsingen. Die kids und Kimmi singen auch schon staendig "never say naver" oder "baby baby baby oh..." haha und da Justin Bieber songs ja sogar bei Glee gesungen wurden, ist der Hype natuerlich nochmal groesser.... Gestern hat dann sogar mein hostdad angefangen "never say never" zu singen, ohne dass irgendwer den song davor gesungen oder gesummt haette :D einfach geil!! Und die beste Ausrede, warum ich Justin Bieber auf meinem Ipod habe ist natuerlich "because of the kids!!" ;)
Naechste Woche ist Saint Paddy's day und ich bin natuerlich schon bestens ausgeruestet. Hab mir ne gruene Peruecke, gruene Kniestruempfe, Make up und Nagellack gekauft und die gruenen Chucks hatte ich ja schon vorher ;) Wird wohl feucht froehlich, nur dumm, dass ich am naechsten Tag arbeiten muss. Naja, werde wohl nicht die einzige sein, die mit hanover arbeiten wird. Ist halt der Mist, wenn solche Tage mitten in der Woche sind (Donnerstag, 17.Maerz).
Ich glaube, das war soweit alles, hab auch nur noch 7 Minuten an dem Computer hier.
Fuehlt euch gedrueckt, kuss Jessi
Freitag, 18. Februar 2011
Lieber Dr. Freud
Als ich am Donnerstag mal wieder meinem Collegelehrer hinterhergeguckt habe, habe ich mir mal Gedanken um meinen Männergeschmack gemacht.
Hat zwar nicht wirklich was mit meinem Aupair Aufenthalt zu tun, aber es beschäftigt mich halt...
Bin zu dem Entschluss gekommen, dass ich anscheinend entweder auf Männer mit wenig Haaren stehe ( love u Jason Statham ;) oder sie durchaus gutaussehend sind, aber dann prinzipiell zu der Kategorie "Arschloch" gehören. Es kann allerdings auch zu Übereinstimmungen der beiden Kategorien kommen (für die, die meinen Ex kennen, ihr wisst, wovon ich spreche...)!
Da ich ja im Zeitalter von google und facebook lebe, habe ich diese Einsicht einfach mal gegoogelt, bin ja sicher nicht das einzige weibliche Wesen, dem es so geht...und siehe da, es gibt etliche Foren, in dem Frauen genau die gleiche Frage stellen wie ich- WIESO ist das so???
Kategorie 1-wenig Haare/Glatze: Männer mit Glatze etc. haben etwas bulliges an sich (ok, die ganz Dürren jetzt wohl nicht) und strahlen Stärke aus. Und wenn Frau doch mal ganz ehrlich ist, das ist es doch, was wir wollen. Einen Mann, der uns beschützt, an den wir uns anlehnen können. Einen Ernährer, der nach der Jagd nach Hause kommt und die Familie versorgt, um es jetzt mal auf der Evolutionsschine auszudrücken ;)
Das macht durchaus Sinn. Zumindest für mich ;)
Kategorie 2- Arschloch: Männer, die sich als Arschlöcher erweisen, wissen was sie wollen und Frauen finden diese Eigenschaft sehr anziehend. Verständlich. Wer will schon einen Mann, der stundenlang überlegt, was er anziehen soll oder welchen Film er gucken will?! Dafür sind doch wir Frauen da ;)
Wie auch immer, mein Single Dasein macht sich langsam bemerkbar, wenn ihr wisst, was ich meine und ich vermisse die gutaussehenden /Glatze tragenden deutschen Arschlöcher :P
hmmm....ich glaube dieses Thema wird mcih noch eine Weile beschäftigen, daher würde ich mal sagen "to be continued" und Anmerkungen/Kommentare sind immer seeeehr willkomen :)
Hat zwar nicht wirklich was mit meinem Aupair Aufenthalt zu tun, aber es beschäftigt mich halt...
Bin zu dem Entschluss gekommen, dass ich anscheinend entweder auf Männer mit wenig Haaren stehe ( love u Jason Statham ;) oder sie durchaus gutaussehend sind, aber dann prinzipiell zu der Kategorie "Arschloch" gehören. Es kann allerdings auch zu Übereinstimmungen der beiden Kategorien kommen (für die, die meinen Ex kennen, ihr wisst, wovon ich spreche...)!
Da ich ja im Zeitalter von google und facebook lebe, habe ich diese Einsicht einfach mal gegoogelt, bin ja sicher nicht das einzige weibliche Wesen, dem es so geht...und siehe da, es gibt etliche Foren, in dem Frauen genau die gleiche Frage stellen wie ich- WIESO ist das so???
Kategorie 1-wenig Haare/Glatze: Männer mit Glatze etc. haben etwas bulliges an sich (ok, die ganz Dürren jetzt wohl nicht) und strahlen Stärke aus. Und wenn Frau doch mal ganz ehrlich ist, das ist es doch, was wir wollen. Einen Mann, der uns beschützt, an den wir uns anlehnen können. Einen Ernährer, der nach der Jagd nach Hause kommt und die Familie versorgt, um es jetzt mal auf der Evolutionsschine auszudrücken ;)
Das macht durchaus Sinn. Zumindest für mich ;)
Kategorie 2- Arschloch: Männer, die sich als Arschlöcher erweisen, wissen was sie wollen und Frauen finden diese Eigenschaft sehr anziehend. Verständlich. Wer will schon einen Mann, der stundenlang überlegt, was er anziehen soll oder welchen Film er gucken will?! Dafür sind doch wir Frauen da ;)
Wie auch immer, mein Single Dasein macht sich langsam bemerkbar, wenn ihr wisst, was ich meine und ich vermisse die gutaussehenden /Glatze tragenden deutschen Arschlöcher :P
hmmm....ich glaube dieses Thema wird mcih noch eine Weile beschäftigen, daher würde ich mal sagen "to be continued" und Anmerkungen/Kommentare sind immer seeeehr willkomen :)
Dienstag, 15. Februar 2011
Haha, meine Kleine hat sich gestern ihr Gesicht mit nem Filzstift geschminkt. Aber im Zimmer ihrer Mutter, als die grade in der Dusche war. Musste mir das Lachen verkneifen, hat sich nämlich ein Katzengesicht gemalt. Also schön Schnurrhaare etc. :D
Musste sie dann wieder "abschminken" , ging aber verhältnismäßig einfach, zum Glück!
Musste sie dann wieder "abschminken" , ging aber verhältnismäßig einfach, zum Glück!
Bella:"I'm gonna keep you!" |
mein kleiner Tanzfloh ;) |
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