Let's get over it
Well I decided he is not worth it whining about. I mean we had a good time, but now it is over and I will enjoy my last 6 month in USA. Soooo, what's going on right now? Well, I am turning 26 in 6 days (gosh I am old) and I hope to have a good party-weekend to celebrate my birthday. The last week was kind of misrable and I have to apologize to my friends for being such a moody, grumpy and selfish bitch. But I figured out for me, that guys are all the same, doesn't matter where u live and that he was obviously my type cause he was the wrong one :P haha, well life goes on
Went to Mamma Mia musical with Cindy and lots of other Aupairs. I love that show and I love ABBA :) The show was at the Fisher Theatre in the Fisher building Downtown. A nice older American guy gave us a little tour through the building. Soo nice, haha he thought I was American. Don't know why people always think that ;)
Loooooping Looooooouie |
My wonderful and amazing German guy friends Thies, Gerrit and Jens sent me the most awesome birthday present which I already opened. It is the "kids game" Looping Louie that we used to play when we had parties in Münster (and they send me my favorite choclate :) ). It is our drinking game and it reminds me of the good times we had. Gosh I miss them soo much and I really miss Krav Maga. Maybe I will go for a session soon in Troy.
The kids have springbreak right now, what means a lot of work for me cause I have them fulltime. Pretty exhausting, especially with that crappy weather that is much more winter than spring. Believe it or not, but it snowed on monday and we got our winterboots out again. That sucks!!
Well that's kind of it, glad when that week is over :)
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