Dienstag, 3. Mai 2011

time flies....

OMG (oh my gosh ;)  ) I just got an email from my au pair company that reminds me that my 7th month just started and that I soon have to think about the date for my flight back to Germany. That really made me sooo sad. I know I always said that I miss my friends and family in Germany, but I found some new and great friends and family here too. I wish there would be no need to go back, but I have to get started with my job as a teacher and I don't want to be an au pair any longer than needed ;)
I don't regret the decision to come here and I know that I will come back when I saved some money and am settled in Germany again. Who knows, maybe I will be teaching in America in a few years...

This time I know for sure that this good bye will be really hard and that emotional Jessi will cry a lot....But hey, still 5 month to go and I will enjoy those month as much as possible!!

Love and miss u guys :)

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